Billy Klapper Style
How Billy Klapper has influenced Tom's bit and spur designs.
A little backgound on Billy Klapper: He trained with early spur masters such as Adolph Bayers and has spent his life perfecting the trade. He has over 680 patterns, but accommodates his customers wishes for custom designs. His first designs do not have his makers mark stamped in them. This was a process he started in 1966 by marking each with his name and a serial number. Based in Pampa Texas, he builds each spur from a solid piece of metal using a small coal forge. He is a one man operation and can turn out two hundred pair a year with a waiting list spanning well over a year.
In an attempt to learn early on from the masters; Tom spent time visiting Billy Klappers workshop and discussing the processes he used. Billy Klapper spoke freely and took time to teach different techniques to Tom. The respect Tom has for Billy Klapper can be seen in his applications of the lessons learned. It is most evident in his Texas Style spur heelbands, spur shank 102 and 546, as well as the Klapper bit mouthpiece.

When Tom was visiting Billy Klapper, he hired a photographer to capture their time together. During the trip home someone broke into their car and stole the camera equipment, loosing the documentation forever. If anyone has ran across this film, it would be a great treasure to Tom if returned.
1 comment
Do we have those in our time?