THE ORIGINAL - downsides to knockoffs
The most obvious downside to purchasing a knock off is compromised quality. But what does that really mean. Let’s break it down.... Our bits and spurs are precision built. Every finished part is within a couple thousandth of the original drawing. Because of this, there is limited wearing, no pinching, and fluid movement for the end user. Bits are perfectly balanced, and spurs molded to your perfect fit. When other makers take our designs and knock them, off through an inexpensive process, you lose the commitment to perfection. The knockoffs are not built to the tolerances and specifications that ours are and therefore begin to wear in places, pinch your horse or boot, and stiffen/wobble when being used. Worst case scenario is a bit breaking while you are using it. With a knockoff, you are walking into a danger zone the moment you take it home.
Every design, down to the smallest part, is carefully considered before it is created into a working mockup. Then it is sent to world class trainers and professional riders for testing and feedback. Every comment is evaluated and then the design is changed accordingly. It is tested and retested, until we have something we are comfortable releasing to the general public. Every bit and spur offered comes with the industry leaders stamp of approval. When you purchase a bit or spurs from us you are purchasing peace of mind for life. If the material or craftsmanship fail during your ownership, we will fix it or replace it at no cost to you. If the damage is on you (i.e. tie horse to post and it rears, bending the mouthpiece), we will still do our best to fix it for a minimal charge. Your satisfaction is our number one concern. The age old saying: "You get what you pay for", is ever valid. Ironically, you can buy one Tom Balding bit for a lifetime or a dozen knockoffs that last a couple years each. Why not get the good stuff the first time around and make your riding experience the best it can be? Tom has traveled to many of the companies that knock off his designs and asked if they would please stop. It hurts our business in both reputation (people think they have a Balding product but don't) and in sales (our ability to keep the doors open). A few ethical companies have ceased production when they meet Tom and see he is committed to his quality product and learn how small our shop family really is. Partrade is one of these upstanding companies and Tom has maintained a friendly relationship with them ever since. We hope you begin to have a trained eye for quality. Here are some great examples to help sharpen your skills in spotting knockoffs.